I will be constantly adding to this as I learn more about using this site and it will have all types of tips and tricks regarding magick and the craft from candles and how to use them properly to little spells anyone can perform!

the first tip I will start with is candles:

Colour is very important when you are using candles as whatever colour you select will eminate a particular vibration.

GOlD- this is the highest most divine colour signifying the divine energy and power but is also used in money and power spells.

WHITE: white os known as a pure colour. It is used in any protection and purification spells .

RED: red is used in spells that involve passion , lust, love , anger and revenge . I personally don’t use red in live spells I prefer pink .

PINK: pink is used in Love spells . Anything that involves friendship and true love is ehdj should be used it is the right balance of white combined with red purity and passion .

BlACK- black is used in banishment spells or binding ones. It can be used for clearing away negative energy or attracting it. Any spell or conjuration of any negative energy for the record I advise you never to try!

YELLOW: used in money and prosperity spells as well as wisdom and positivity .

LIGHT BLUE: any light blue colour attracts healing , blue is a colour of emotions and used in any healing spells mostly . Darker shades of blue are different

PURPLE- purple is an ecclesiastical colour representing any spells requiring spiritual power,wisdom & magick.

There ate obviously many many more but these are but a few of what I plan to teach you.

i also intend on writing small spells which are harmless and various from ❤️ love to money 💰 !

keep a look out and follow me .